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The Cleansed

The Cleansed is an epic post-apocalyptic audio drama podcast from Fred Greenhalgh at Final Rune Productions, and make no mistake, when I say epic I mean it. Currently The Cleansed consists of 3 seasons of awesome set, at least in the beginning, 15 years after “The Breaking” - the event that caused the collapse of society.


The story follows several factions that exist int the post apocalyptic world, and their interactions (and by interactions, we mostly mean outright warfare) with one another. The protagonists include two teenagers who have grown up in the post apocalyptic world and who head off on a journey of near mythic proportion to try and set at least one part of the world right again. With shifting allegiances, betrayal, political manoeuvring and action “The Cleansed” is to post apocalyptic audio drama what “Game of Thrones” is to TV fantasy series (well, without quite so much sex and nudity).


In making the series Fred and the team eschewed the notion of recording it all in the studio, instead getting out and about into the wide world so that forest scenes are recorded in forests and so on. The difference really is noticeable and lends the production a great deal of authenticity.


The Cleansed is not a production to drop in and out of, you really need to listen to it in order and you need to be able to concentrate on it. The complex plot, multiple characters and quick scene changes can make it difficult to follow if you aren't properly committed and are trying to listen while doing anything else. The fact that there is quite a lot of back story we hear in snippets of conversation and which is vital to the plot but isn't always clearly revealed to the audience can increase the difficulty in following what is going on but with a bit of concentration and perseverance you will soon find “The Cleansed” is one of your favourites. Well worth the effort it takes to listen to.


You can find The Cleansed HERE

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