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Intensive Care

What happens when two of the top modern audio drama troupes – Final Rune Productions and Aural Stage – come together to work on a project?


Something amazing happens, that's what! In this instance, that something amazing is 'Intensive Care', Written by James Comtois.

“Alex wakes in a run-down New England hospital with foggy memories of a car accident. He asks nurses about his missing girlfriend, Elizabeth, but can’t seem to get any answers. In fact, he can’t seem to get anything straight from anyone. And – was that a scream in the distance?

Alex soon realizes that his condition is more critical than he first believed. Because very, very soon, he is coming back, and he may not have such great ideas for Alex.”


The story is a dark, chilling tale with numerous twists. Just as one would expect from Aural Stage and Final Rune, the sound quality, performance and editing are all first rate.


'Intensive Care' is a one off, not part of an anthology or a series. Lasting over half an hour, the play is all that horror radio should be. If you haven't heard it yet, go and have a listen at your earliest opportunity.


You can find it HERE or HERE

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