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118 Migration

118 Migration is, on the face of it, a Zombie apocalypse podcast set after the event that causes the end of the world. I say on the face of it, because there is so much more going on that simple zombies, but I'll come back to that.


First of all, 118 Migration isn't a full cast audio drama, it's a dramatised reading. What that means is, the story is told by a narrator – much as in an audio book – but sound effects and backing music are added and the 'narrator' is also the protagonist.

Our narrator/protagonist is one of the survivors of the mysterious event which has caused the fall of human civilisation. Exactly what caused the event is unknown to us and is part of the mystery that weaves its way though the narrative. What we do know is that ever since it began anyone who dies returns as a zombie 1 minute and 18 seconds after they die. This is not a world in which the ancient dead have returned, these are people who die now, coming back in 78 seconds time. The zombies aren't the real threat though, it's what came with them, what might have even been the cause of them.


The Dark Man. A mysterious voice in the minds of those about to die, offering those of interest to him a terrible deal. Die, and come back as one of the dead, or sacrifice a little bit of your humanity for the chance to live on, but as one of his playthings.


At the same time, there are the Transmission Affected. People driven mad by the terrible sound that now appears inside all of the transmissions – TV, Radio or telephone – ever made. These maddened creatures band together in violent clans, tattoo their flesh and come to venerate the White Queen. Another entity that is present as a voice in their minds.


Just who the Dark Man and the White Queen are remain mysteries that we begin to move closer towards uncovering through the two seasons of the show. A third season was planned and is occasionally talked about by its creators, but so far has not emerged. I hope some day it will.


If you like post apocalyptic stories and strange supernatural mysteries then this is for you. Scripting and sound quality are extremely good but you need to follow the story in order. The story is fantastically creepy and puzzling but you feel you are moving towards answers. If I have a criticism it is that because season 3 has not emerged, the bigger questions are never definitively answered, for all you are sure you are getting closer. Pieces of the puzzle and some of the answers are revealed throughout though. So be prepared for a level of frustration towards the end but don't be put off by that, because if you are then you are going to miss out on a great story and two excellent seasons.



The 118 Migration website has been gone a long time, however, the episodes are now hosted by Julie Hoverson on her 19 Nocturne Boulevard website  (Check the side bar on the right to find 118 Migration) HERE

Or find them on Facebook

You can also buy the book HERE

Listen to episode 1118 Migration


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